This is a highly collectible bagged and boarded copy of "The Uncanny X-Men in 'Days of Future Past'" by Marvel Comics. The comic features a star-studded cast of characters including Pyro, Senator Robert Kelly, Storm, Franklin Richards, Kitty Pryde, Jimmy Olsen, Villains: Sentinels, Moira MacTaggert, Cameos: Lois Lane, Wolverine (Logan), Guests: X-Men Professor X, Magneto (All of 2013), New Brotherhood of Evil Mutants Mystique, Blob, Sentinel, Sprite, Kitty Pryde of 2013, Angel, Colossus, Avalanche, Nightcrawler, Henry Peter Gyrich, Rachel Summers, All Death, Destiny. The cover art by Scott Williams and Butch Guice is stunning and the comic is in its original first printing variant type. This is a must-have for any fan of US Comics and superheroes.